HEY DEAR BLOGGERS , thanx fur your visit :D

22 October 2012

okay . freedom ! thats it . people , im going to sit for my final exam on this becoming 29th oct . its a day after my birth . huaaaa . and saya ta balik for this raya haji . yeah i wont go back . why ? na study lah konon . oh tidakkkk . dimanakah keadilann ? tp walaubagaimanapun , saya amat yakin bahawasanya ibu saya akn menjemput saya nti , sbb rumah dekat 5 min je dri matriks . alahai stakat na balik kejap rase rendang daging ape salahnye nye nyerr . mcm ah kau 24h ngan buku , puihhh . k pape pun sem 1 dah na habis . now its time to self improvement . na berjaya kene lah usahaa . wish me luck !